B: Sorry to take so long with an email. I’ve been all over the place mentally lately and also even a bit sick. I don’t know if it’s the covid but I guess it could be with this little dumb cough/mild fever. Just weird since I barely go out only to the grocery store.. the documentarian inside me wants a test right away but doc says to just chill for now. I think I will try again tomorrow. How are things in LA? I bet you’re getting really great at making masks for people. It was very nice to talk to you on the phone btw. Maybe we could do it again? I put my address below if you have any masks leftover. They are probably in high demand by now no? Thanks a lot!
A: Sorry to hear you’ve been sick. Every time I sneeze from dust or something I have that moment of fear… hopefully it’s not The Covid. Anyway, glad you beat it either way.
I’ll send you some masks! I’ve made nearly 100, I’m making about 10 per day before I’m too bored to continue. And yeah was nice to talk to you. I’ve got a few projects, but my schedule is fairly empty and I’m just sitting here talking to my plants…so feel free to give me a call sometime if the spirit moves you.
In 2 weeks or so I’ll be going to Ohio for training and then to another location TBD- I got a new job as a PPE decontamination technician for a biotech R&D firm for a 3-week or possibly 6-week contract. So I’m about to take a little break from filmmaking to wear a hazmat suit. Life is truly a wild journey.
Stay safe and cozy in your log cabin in the New Hampshire forest, and remember to stay six feet away from bears.
B: That’s crazy indeed. Do you have any plans yet for documenting your experience? Lately I have been helping a few friends “write” with phone calls. I record the call and then transcribe it and email it to them after. If you wanted I could do this for you. It’s nice to hear about someone going where the mind blows. When do you leave? Sorry it took me long again to respond. I’m trying to pull myself up by the bootstraps but I don’t own boots. Oh I will tell any bears I see in my imagination that you said hello, I forgot to do so. Hope you are well and preparing for your trip. Hope your family is good in NY. But yeah if this was something you wanted to write/ talk about day to day maybe you could fit this project into an application for this grant in brooklyn for example which I am just now starting to work on as well. They’re called EyeBeam and their all about the Future of Journalism. So yeah it would be easy enough for me to pick up the phone whenever you called and record/ listen/ transcribe/ add to a document in the cloud. As long as you were passionate about this I would match it. I think this story of yours is an inspiring one so either way good luck and I look forward to hearing your thoughts:-)
Ps. Stretch lungs daily w/ sWim:
Pps. You Can Do Anything You Put Your Time To…