14 min readMay 12, 2021

Upload To Unload (37,000 words)

Unreleased ship:

10 minutes to 15 minutes we’re gonna do a shower, all the names, you want to leave all the names out. And then, if, if people want, you know, for their own companies and branding, such a dirty word branding and brand but because we’re of where it comes from. It’s always about the origins of the words, the etymology of the words. So, if people want, we put their we put names and company names and family names. Back in, we can always put them back in. But for the privacy pact agreement will always leave the names out this blog will now have no names, unless they are handles nicknames pseudo names that don’t reveal the identity. Again we can always put these names back in. So that’s going to be the practice from now on, on phone calls, as well as daily journals. Spoken journals. So, so here we are, we’re gonna put in 10 minutes. Gonna do the shower.

I think for a while we’re not going to release the audio, it’s just going to be, you know, this is about getting it out. This is about sort of dumping or downloading or uploading, kinda like an avatar. When the main character does Jake. Every day, he does a log to log his experimental experience. So, as scientists. You know this is really a social sociological experiment. Life is a sociological socio emotional, psychological, economic experiment so we are social scientists, behavioral scientists as the psychologist and psychiatrist might say, and, and this is a new science is a relatively new science. So to claim that we know anything about it, about the brain is almost comical still, you know to say we know about the brain is like all ego almost, there’s a, there’s, there’s more fitting synonyms for ego here. You know, it’s just putting your chest out and trying to feel important special when, when we’re all, you know, really just in the, in the dark, sort of feeling our way out. And for most people, we’re fearing our way out. We’re fearing instead of feeling our way out we’re fearing, our way out. And we’re sort of putting all our own all our fears on our children, and teaching them, we’re just teaching them how to how to how to fear for our safety.

Instead of how to love life and love people, for teaching them how to fear life. You know, so maybe the opposite of that is to feel, you know, you can’t feel life if you’re busy fearing it. Most people have no have no FEEL, and that’s a way to protect your ego instead of project your emotion, you know, becoming aware of your emotion and this kind of stuff. Alright, it’s time for a shower. So we’re just gonna, it’s like an unload to unload, subconsciously, a stream of subconscious. No names, except we talk about basically right now where we get the green light, people have to know our network, our community of artists. We have to let them know that we’re doing this, and that we want to sort of offload our daily notebook, our journals to the cloud for the next generation for our generation into a stream of subconsciousness writing experiment 1000 words per day, etc, and so on. A creative practice, a morning ritual. Afternoon, exercise, and we’re thinking a lot about our family and our extended family. And our second families. Second, mom’s second brothers. Second, sisters second dads. Second, grandparents, no visit, this is like the extended extended family, the double extended, and most recently psychedelic science psychedelic medicine. This, this psychedelic school bus tour across America, psychedelic storytelling, which is linked to life storytelling. Life Story interview, and potentially the sequel, which is the family story interview.

If they are a public figure we can obviously mentioned that we are researching them. So Robert Atkins thing of you, University of Southern Maine. Robin FIV rush from Emory University. And we need some names from New York University, and Johns Hopkins. The woman who gives the TED talk about psychedelics. The meaning of life and love. That’s a really nice watch, and a good listen as well if you look it up on SoundCloud, we converted it put some music behind it made it into a workout tape, which is something we probably want to share with. I think we can use her name I think she’ll, I think she’s a public artist. So that’s one we want to share with Heather. We’re doing some editing. We did some recording transcription and editing work artwork for Heather. And she is sort of our manifestation coach. We still have a manifestations, extended play short albums. Three songs that is heavily inspired by her coaching that we want to share it to her, as well as the, the bigger picture of our healing our, our mind manifestation, creative, healing journey being a musical journey. And coming from a musical backstory, or been with grandparents who are musicians. And then the, and then their kids became, you know doctors and lawyers and business people. And, but to go to reach back into history is to see that we come from Muse, a line of musicians who had a lifelong career, and a lifelong passion and a lifelong journey of music. Our grandfather on the fiddle and our grandmother on the piano. We took lessons, probably five years on the piano, maybe more. We really like doing almost anything with our hands. We’re always art working with our hands. Through artists through artists hands. No through the hands. So there’s a lot of psychedelic research, a lot of psychedelic, healing, you know, a psychedelic storytelling. Healing clinic. We want to we’re thinking a lot about how to raise some real capital for a clinic, and going around and pitching to 100 universities in America and beyond, and hundreds of psychiatrists and psychologists, and our dad is a psychiatry psychiatrist, and our best friend, who we grew up with our closest friend that we grew up with his dad as well.

And so with from those two psychiatry lists, there is a whole network, and access to the network of American psychiatrists and beyond. And I think this really psychedelics, which means in Latin mind manifesting really gives the creative freedom back to the people and the potential for collective memories and collective stories, collective dreams, goals, ideas, taking to the public, online and offline to everyone sort of become storytellers, because that’s the fundamental foundation of all communication is exchanging stories, stories are information. Information is data. So we have another big conversation about data. Big data turning into deep data, deep data being the stories of our lives. The life stories. The family stories, and a studio production publishing company that is attached to this operation, helping Americans, and beyond access psychedelic medicine, especially silicided mushrooms, as well as MDMA and cannabis MDMA is at the cutting edge for treatment of post traumatic stress disorder. There is also another up and coming idea out of psychology and psychiatry, called complex, post traumatic stress disorder. Si P T as the also known as childhood, post traumatic stress disorder. This has a lot to do with another new idea called high conflict, emotional warfare, high conflict, personality, highly sensitive people, which is everyone.

So, you have the artists that are very in tune, and anything in voice about communicating the psychedelic experience for the past 50 years. Aldous Huxley, the doors of perception is really something we could see ourselves, you know, falling following in the, in the speaking footsteps, writing stories, books, novels, short stories, articles, opinions, pieces for publications, all over the world, and even wearing a suit and tie, you know, with some flavor, it probably is half white half black. Those are our two favorite colors with the whole rainbow existing in the spectrum in between the spaces of white and black and gray. And all the artists that came before all the artists of all kinds, who have articulated the experience of life and love. In so many 1000s and millions of art pieces of ways. So that’s what psychedelics really is it’s the manifestation of the mind and the body and the life and the love. So love manifesting love strong is also another tag that we have with Heather while we were living at Heather’s house. And we’re thinking about Heather’s whole family as well as Heather’s network, as well, and how to offer you know psychedelic medicine as a clinic to raise funds from the world of cryptocurrency, because the way to really make this price, explode on the value of this alternative, alternative currency is to use it is to spend it is to, more importantly, investment in lifelong investments.

And that is, very simply, investments in people’s specific people. So, we’re working on a lot of this stuff, we’re unloading and uploading our ideas into the cloud, onto the personal blog. And that’s probably that’s on medium. And we’re thinking about our brothers, both of our brothers, we have two brothers, and we’re thinking very deeply about how to about their will, how they might want to because we’re making pitches to everyone. Our two parents, and our two brothers. And technically we’re right in the middle of both about, about, about five, we are directly in the middle. In terms of age. First, my mom, then my dad then myself, then my, my first brother and then my second brother. We were writing a rough draft to our first brother, and saying at the end of it, how the word family is the most important. Everything we think about, and everything we write, and every thought we have starts and ends with that word. That is the mantra. The mantra is that word for the rest of our life. And that is a yin yang to that word, there is. It’s probably one of the oldest, if not the oldest word after life after love indigenous culture in America. The word, arts, and the word life are synonyms, and the word nature is a synonym for life. So you didn’t have so much separation, and a lot of these, a lot of our words in our language now is a simply separates us from the Almighty, our and the almighty us, of the family unit, the emotional family unit, which is a reference to Dr Murray Bowen. In the 50s who studied schizophrenia and and family systems theory and sibling order and the patterns that may or may not exist. This is also directly linked to economic family unit, which then is a downline into all of these wonderful books on the family unit, as a business. A couple of titles are interdependent wealth.

Also, the business of family, the family edge. Family storytelling. Healing back pain, the divided mind. All this type of stuff so family, family, family, family, that’s pretty much the most, you know, it’s a synonym for love art story. Life Community city, country, you know region Coast continent. Planet, planets, solar system, galaxy, and so on. Shout out to the Milky Way and beyond. So this is we’re doing an unload upload here. And let’s see how long we got here 22 minutes. So that was a good, a good amount of time for a shower. And I think now we’ve unloaded. There are no names in it so everyone’s privacy is projected, you know, so people can continue to feel openly, and to, to go about their own artistic, musical journey, you got to have both privacy and transparency. And they’re both going to be valuable in the private home, and then we work on the public transparency, the, the home’s privacy, and the public’s transparency and that’s where we all become sort of family figures that all even, you know, write emails you write texts you write articles, you write, You know, it’s all about writing your mind is constantly writing, and with our tools now on our phone. This is just one example. Through this one app otter. I’d like to find out who the creator of otter is, and sort of start to plug that name as well in here, the founder, president co founders, CEO, etc. The whole team. This is an incredible app. There’s tape a call. Same thing with tape a call.

These are right you’re we’re writing in a new way, where in this case we’re alone by herself, doing our daily log. However, in the future a lot of this writing and storytelling will happen, telling it’ll be storytelling and story listening to each other, and that takes two people to write. So it’s a new form. So, now, talking is writing with our cell phones, our little computers, and it’s, it’s here. This is the future. Everyone is a writer. Everyone is has AI has a brain that is a machine that is producing words and sentences. And those sentences become paragraphs, and those paragraphs, you know, sentences and paragraphs are the foundation of how we communicate, and those are stories, and those are ideas, and those are pitches, you know, even if they’re light pitches, where we’re just creating even creating a new word is a new framework, a new structure for the next generation to communicate. Because now we’re mixing ideas and mixing images inside the brain. So, that’s pretty exciting. And that’s I think why we’re going to continue to do these, and maybe there’ll be little audio casts in the future but the sound quality probably isn’t great, and you’re going to and we’re going to need some music probably behind it, you know, an intention like here this is work is for the workout here this is a meditation where we’re speaking a lot softly at home in in a you know a soundproof room with a nicer microphone. So, it’s one that maybe will help people to go to sleep, you know, having this experience of knowing that everything is exactly the way it is. You are.

I like you just the way you are, you know that’s a Mr Rogers, shout out. Everyone’s a special person, as well as a special story, and that that kind of gets twisted a lot these days. This idea that you know, get over your, you know, I don’t even want to validate it by saying it but there’s a lot of flips and twists and and guilt and shame and blame, and we’re just, if we’re here to do one thing it’s to get it’s to be guilt free. Or we’ll die trying, you know guilt free or die trying. That’s been our favorite hashtag recently. Guilt tree, guilt, it’s the guilt tree, right, that was a miss. Speak. A me stake. But the guilt tree, the family tree is sometimes actually a guilt tree, but once we can get beyond this idea of emotional pushing and pulling and emotional survival. Now we can get into this idea of psychological emotional revival. And out of that will come this grander awareness of, you know, all stories do not need conflict, all stories do not need heroes and villains. You know we just saw that on Netflix on their brand new movie called Monster, which we couldn’t make it through. It’s, you know, it was pretty hard we stopped and started a couple times. And then there’s the one scene in the film making class, where the professor just says, your, your, your project sucks, you didn’t have a hero, all stories need heroes.

That is a twist of what life actually is life actually is a whole, a whole every single one of us 7.6 billion people, all surviving, we’re all survivors, each family member that you have is survivor of circumstance of environment, and that’s the hard work. That’s the heart work, and the artwork. So a lot of our media is working off this idea of, oh, you need conflict, you need heroes you need villains, and separate separate divide, and now you have people getting anxious and getting aggressive and angry, and you have rage, instead of self, courage, and that’s what you know we’re doing over here in this idea of family and this idea of non conflict, language, and non conflict communication, also known as nonviolent communication, which is a book. And so we’re worth word a lot of our linguistic poetic work these days has to do with sort of identifying, you know what this high conflict world of words and language looks like in which words, you know, a lot of them have longer histories, that is, that are tied to religion, and religion, you know, maybe at the very onset was a love based concept but quickly got hijacked, in the way of needing to, you know, inflict fear on a population so that they would kind of act in a predictable manner.

And that way we, the, the structure at the top could kind of have this illusion of certainty and sort of, you know, resources and leverage and be able to push and pull, and on the chessboard, you know, people kind of. So that’s the big picture here the linguistic work that we do every day of a practice with synonyms, is to identify, old, you know, high conflict language, high conflict words, which again, a lot of them are religious, like, good, bad, evil, right, wrong, these are very high conflict, because they’re very abstract, and they’re very ambiguous. So a lot of talking can mean nothing. As opposed to, very finite, sort of, detailed, then this is a whole. This is a whole discovery exploration for another time. But the words that we’re using in this whole entire article right now, you know, even when we say family. When we say community. When we say, you know, planet, and galaxy. These are, you know, art, story, and then love. And these are the kind of these are the words. These are the words that are just pure. You know, inside the imagination of your mind, in a utopia, which you can create in your mind. These have zero conflict. They are just people creating things in a world that has so much opportunity, because, in so many options, because there’s so much abundance, you know, we’re just even 7.6 billion people is not a lot. If you look at the whole world and how we populate it. We don’t even come close. There’s no such thing as overpopulation, it’s this. In system inside the box idea that comes out of the capitalistic structure. And so that’s where we’ll leave off for today. We are pro capitalism, we believe that capitalism will have a fresh start. When every single company in the world has a subscription, and the subscriptions, really give a voice to the customers users fans, collaborators, to the people.

And that’s, you know the vote, and the potential of the people, has to do with the voice and the vote, and doing it on a daily basis which we’re doing right now and the internet by way of likes and hearts. You know we’re all voting for each other every single day. So, alright so that’s the longer article lesson for today we kept it to 30 minutes. That’s about 3000 words. Sounds cool. No names. I think we’re good to instantly take a word cloud snapshot and upload it, and I don’t know how we’re gonna share it but. All right, this will be a 15 minute 16 minute read. And that’s why maybe in the future it’ll be easier for even myself to listen to just the sound quality might not be the best and if we put some workout music, some deep house. I forget the kind of electronic, deep, deep house, slow, slow techno, I don’t know, but good for working out, you know, and you can just vibe on it for 30 minutes and take in all these ideas and enjoy them and play with them and see what sticks and see what doesn’t, and, you know, this is all for your own customization of life. So, and love, you know, life and love.

Those are some big synonyms art story, family, etc, all the way community all the way you know, earth, this is an earth community that you’re a part of your human being in this earth community. So, re, memorize that, and evolution eyes yourself and your family and your community and have, you know be come fun. YOU know, become love as RAM das said. And that’s a whole nother, but he rom Das, Richard, I forget his last name, Abner, or Richard. He was at the forefront of the psychedelic revolution evolution. So we’re going to bring those names up again. You know, even, even Bob Dylan exists there. And now there’s a whole list of names that we’re going to go back through obviously when we create our pitch for this psychedelic school bus, slash, psychedelic storytelling clinic psychedelic medicine clinic in the United States. Hopefully not at a university but, but, supported, and backed by a university and so that’s maybe the first thing we’re up to. That’s really what we’re, we’ve been writing about all day. And for the past couple of days so we’ll talk to you soon. Have fun. Thanks for reading. Love you, love You to bits, you know, Ciao for now. #letherlead

Creatively yours forever,

- Fun P.

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