Listen up you got a story to tell…
Today we’ll be talking about an idea for a story, listening service, as opposed to a storytelling service. To understand the business model on the very surface is a podcast with advertisements and eventually a subscription. However, that’s not the most important thing here, the marketing of this service is. Got a story to tell? Let us help you tell it, over the phone.
You call us up on scheduled time, and you tell us a story. At the end of the appointment, we will transcribe the session and send a lightly edited version to your email that evening. We also provide the date and setting and the story gets written. If there was dialogue between characters it will be put in quotes or script format.
Usually over the course of five to 10 sessions, the listeners job is to listen, ask some questions. But not many. And get the storyteller, comfortable, and enjoying the telling of their story. This service is about communication with oneself and one’s family. It’s about handing down a life, ideas, but also a family history, passing down our memories in the form of posterity. Legacy if you like. “Take your broken heart and turn it into art” however this isn’t about only sadness, even though there is some of that in every real story.
We like to think that expression is much more effective of a treatment than repression. One might call this, Reverse repression. There are multiple different reasons why someone might want to tell their story, or any story that is, but the idea is that we are listening to and hearing deeply unique perspectives, Sometimes it takes a while to access these detailed stories and to fully uncover them and then think about them. To spend time with them and to organize them and put them on a timeline in a narrative form. But that is the ultimate goal, never before told stories which are happening every single day. To free us from the past. But also to become a pioneer of it! Art is storytelling. You tell the story, and you let us do the rest.
We also offer research and development, hiring College students and artists as researchers listeners editors writers. Publishers even. (Depending on platform and base). The story-teller can choose different packages of time, different formats, whether it’s an essay, an article chapters, a book, a biography and autobiography, a novel, a script, a screenplay, a film podcast newsletter installment blog cartoons storyboards music, poetry, paintings illustrations sculptures. And the list continues to go on.
It’s a 12 step story-extraction program. And that’s what we help you do is understand the treatment and how to go about share it within your loved ones after the fact. Some of these stories will be very personal and sensitive. And therefore, will carry great weight. Especially when all stories contain mistakes made and regrets collected. Apologies either given or never given; forgiveness. Hurt trauma abuse. This occurs in all stories and we are not alone ever because of it. The problem seems now just remembering this. That we are never alone always sharing more in common than uncommon with the world. (Also not to forget the highs to match the lows.) This listening service is like a massage for your brain, and simultaneously a surgical removal of all the life build-up inside us. Regardless all story-tellers experience a creative aftershave after each of the expression sessions. And if not then shit baby, thats a money back guarantee!
We also help with copyright, titles, structure. Timeline, perspective. Non disclosure agreements are made at the beginning of each session. This is a pitch for a remote startup company that is much like a hotline. But it’s a storyline. Ah yes, StoryLineApp was an earlier name/ tech for this idea. This today is a more personal service, and a story-extraction service. The importance of handing down history and knowledge cannot be understated. What could be more vital to pass down to your loved ones? And in the process getting to know deeper ourselves and where we come from. The humanity and our individual and communal purpose coming before the fates of society.
Thru the course of this experience you will explore innerspace and see old memories and reflect on old thoughts and scenarios that maybe you haven’t thought about in a while. Explore your story with a listener on the other end making it real.
Some stories can last a few sessions and some projects last for years to come. One things for sure though, that everyone has a story to tell. Let us help you tell yours. There is no me only we and we are the world, however. If there’s an eye, then there’s a you and I love you forever.
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