10 minutes back right hope everyone’s doing well today. Okay. Okay. Yo. Everyone go well that’s true. I hope it is. I hope it is then do everything that you can do. I never know. I never know. Oh. So check it out. What are we gonna do what are we gonna do the world though distracted by the words sometimes better not to do words in the music. Anyways, today we’re speaking to the internet Yo, what up what up internet Yo, what up what up internet Yo.
Yo, I saw, I had a video. And I use a particular camera so new kind of camera. The camera, you were between your eyes. That’s very important. Between your eyes. Not many cameras have attempted this is a lot different from the cameras who put it on the side of the eye. That is Google was the first one to try this and then snapshot was your second. And so between the eyes, between the eyes, and then doing a point of view documentary where you can record all day. So it’s got to be hidden that’s hidden between the eyes, and you have to have enough battery power to record all day. We believe that this is similar to the necklace on the book by David Eggers called the circle and the concept was going, transparent, not hiding anything giving people sort of access. And it was a camera that streamed from the necklace. It was weird I agree, but we’re talking about doing it different, in a couple different ways. Maintaining complete creative freedom in multiple ways. Obviously there are breaks. But the idea is to create a new vlog, that runs five days a week, like Stephen called bear. And yeah yeah that’s that’s giving, giving a look through the eyes, it’s arguably literal empathy. When you look through someone someone’s eyes, and also your hands are free. They don’t have to hold a camera. And they are able to film. One to One Eye to Eye tanta hands, contact. So this is experimental point of view, filmmaking journalism for artists and activists video on the audio element is also quite fascinating, because the microphone is right next to the brain. And the voice. So it is a 3d auditory experience as well. So it’s a it’s a virtual reality, augmented reality experience. And the audience. The fans. Looking through the eyes of the users are getting a closer. More of more personal. Audience experience. They can vote on what to do, where to go. Who to see and listen to. There’s a wide range of things that can be chosen by the audience, the audience are the chosen ones. They are the users of the users. It is bridging the gap between online and in real life in public spaces on the street. We believe that this camera with all of its emotional and psychological implications. We personally believe that this camera. Could seismic shift, social media, and the world of communication, as we know it. So, it’s a tool for journalists and a tool for activists and, and both those career paths are both kinds of artists. It’s all art. Okay. So, yeah, so we hope everyone’s doing well. And we’re pushing forward with this idea of like getting these cameras on activists and journalists inside the movement, the social revolution that’s happening right now. To support, emotionally, psychologically mentally, physically, environmentally financially oppressed people. Black Lives Matter is the center of this movement. Current. So we want to contribute point of view camera cameras glasses for for a for a show a channel, the first of its kind, shot entirely on a pair of glasses literal empathy. And we want we want, we’re going to be editors. There’s a couple of us who will edit. I personally am going to pledge all my time in the beginning to editing for activists on the street, and then eventually when I can. When I can do so I’ll be on the street as well. But that’s the operation, you have one person on the street, and one person in the editing room. And, and it’s a dailies program. And eventually, you can watch. You can watch it on either the big screen. Or you can watch it on a virtual reality headset. In the future, probably not right now, as if you were in the theater, but I do like this I really you know I miss during this quarantine. I miss going to the movie theaters, or having my attention fully taken to the story unraveling performance anguish. That’s the update on the camera where we really want to do this. And I think POV documentaries for musicians in the beginning, artists of all kinds, but I think musicians are place to consider starting again. And also, you know, along with this POV cast. There’s podcasts, that’s the video, audio, intersection. So this is a video and audio experimental creative expression. And also, meditation, much like we’re doing right now. This is talk meditation, and you’re doing listening meditation. So shout out to, to everybody in the entire world 7.5 plus billion beings on planet Earth. So there’s, you know, billions and trillions and gazillions more beings, other types of beings. Shout out to Yonkers without Planet Earth, there are no human so this idea of human centered capitalism. We might have to do human centered capitalism. Because humans are exposed to this, the systemic behaviors, which come from this. This structure which, which is built to achieve at all costs. profit, and the pursuit of profit gain money all consuming consumption, as opposed to creation and getting that balance. So that’s it. That’s all we got we’re heavy on the POV today. Yeah, maybe humanity’s needs to be decentered, a little bit. And that has that reminds us of decentralizing. The power dynamics within our system, and within our family, and within our partnerships. You know, that’s where we’re going to get equality equalization is going to come from the balance of power. And that’s going to be hard to do with people using certain words like inferior and superior. We’re all afraid, right like we’re afraid like a. We’re gonna look we’re looking for a partner, we’re gonna post on craigslist. We’re looking for an art man crime. A life, a life partner. We’re looking for someone basically to, you know, who would like to experiment with a new kind of media, again, and that’s daily point of view videos. And because we want the world to fall in love with you. And I think that’s that’s what comes from the intimacy of a camera like this. No, there’s no more technology in the way, it’s just people interacting and loving each other. On that note, piece piece in the Middle East, east of your mind in time. There is no me only we and we are the world. However, if there’s an eye, then there’s a you and I love you forever. Ciao for now. Bye.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai