I Forgot To Hate Like I Forgot What I Learnt In High School 🏫

2 min readMar 18, 2021


Alright so just a quick note, we ran past a Nelson Mandela quote today. And it’s all about how if you can people learn to hate. And if you learn to hate you can learn to love. Essentially what he’s saying. It’s a famous quote. And we’re thinking now about this idea of like, you know how much stuff. I’ve learned, and you’ve learned, and we’ve learned in our life that we have forgotten how much stuff have you learned in your life that you have now forgotten. So I use this idea of like unlearning something, you know, deprogramming unlearning something, but it’s really just about like forgetting. Over time you forget what you learned. So in this case if you learned how to hate from your parents growing up, and they didn’t teach you how to love.

They taught you specifically how to hate another family, another group of people, another race, color, creed, religion, what have you, then it’s not about learning to love now. I think that’s what’s left. If you forget how to hate over time. And there are certain ways to do this, you know, certain words that contain hatred and fear and anger and aggression inside them, each word has a different amount of emotional charge, positive or negative, love or hate. So it’s just about forgetting. You know, you don’t have to learn how to love. You have to forget. You get to forget how to hate overtime. And that takes a complete makeover of your language, and that’s not that difficult to do. You just have to stop reading the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene, and we have to cancel, Robert Greene. Next, because he is. He is love in disguise as a, you know, As an end to this little thought nugget.

Yeah, we’ll be hosting book burnings of the 48 Laws of Power next Saturday. And every Saturday for the rest of until all the books are gone, until they can’t produce you know until he finally gets canceled because that book, even though there’s probably like 10 or 20% on the surface of stuff in that book that is like closer to love than hate that book is full of hate that book is full of Neo modern hatred and aggression. And it’s all done under the, the concept of power the idea of power. Power is control that book is about control. And, and that’s it. All right, talk to you later. Have fun. See you at the book, book burning, Ciao for now. Love you.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai



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