How Patreon $aved The World (pt.02)🗽

12 min readJun 25, 2020


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Okay, hello. How’s everybody doing? We’re out at the secret spot. breezes blowing. If you want to stop right here, reading and go and hit the play button you can also listen to this because we’ve been posting on Soundcloud his files, which are transcribed and put right here where you so either one but this is I believe this is part two how Patreon save the world and it has to do with the subscription economy in comparison to the old economy which are products that are bought and sold, and markets that essentially make bets on those products. It’s very cold. That’s a very cold and calculated universe where we’re just making guesses. We’re making a lot of educated guesses. And what’s the word? Yeah, we’re making educated guesses. And that’s what you know the stock market which is owned 90% of the stock market is owned by what? Like 10% of the deal, the elite, I don’t know something ridiculous. Okay, so we’re talking about products, the commercialization of new ideas, and new ideas turned into new things, inventions, creativity, creative thought and exploration and discovery. To increase the efficiency, effectiveness, communication between ourselves and our loved ones and our communities and our world, shout out to planet earth. So it’s all about coexistence and exchange and trade. Ideally, one party is interested in certain product and the other party is interested in another product that the other has, and they make a fair trade and it benefits both sides and and no one’s no one’s unhappy at the end unsatisfied. So the mechanics of capitalism and this economy are they are on par with human intention, human existence survival, they’re on par with our interest in life, we have an interest in living life and living it diversely and, and the versatility and variance in the spice of life, right? So trade. It’s good. It’s it’s a positive thing, because it creates a collaboration. Again, exchange is a collaboration is a dance between two parties, and they are dancing together when they make an exchange. But at this point, the commercialization has sort of gotten out of hand and all we’re doing is buying and selling products and betting on those products. And there’s very little satisfaction out of that other than grow your quote. Well take care of your families and care about nothing less, or nothing more. That’s that’s life. Right? Take care of your family, feed yourself. But the subscription economy is like this new economy, right versus this old economy of products. The subscription economy is about the trading of services. Now, all products are simply things that make our lives better and how they make them better. The act of increasing efficiency and so and so ways that is the verb, that is the verb of bettering life in so and so ways. So, all products are now transforming into services, which makes ownership thing of the past. Now it’s becoming usership. Where we’re sort of, you know, every month, we’re sort of renting, or like we do leasing this kind of stuff. But really subscription, right? We buy a subscription, we become a member, we purchase a membership. And every month, you know, we send that dollar or so per month. To the creators we love, whether that’s Netflix, or Amazon Prime, or even Coca Cola has a subscription now, where you can get, you know, all the newest flavors and the newest updates and deals from Coca Cola at a special monthly price. You get to try all those new flavors I’m sure. I think that’s what it was. So there’s this theory Within the subscription economy, if you Google that, you can learn more about it. There’s a great book called subscribed. But this subscription economy is, in theory, going to reduce the gap, the communication gap between companies and their customers, creators and their fans. That’s basically what it is, right? There’s no such thing as a customer anymore. There’s only fans, right? We’re purchasing these subscriptions to all kinds of products, but again, they’re not products anymore. Their services and services are relationships. So this is a this is a more this is this is a fairer, more just more equal economy because it’s focused on empowering The fans empowering the users, talking to them more regular literally regularly. And listening to them more regularly. Remember, it’s a monthly membership or a monthly subscription. So we send that dollar per month and they send us something, right and there’s the exchange, but it’s a smaller exchange. And then if you have bigger, you know, if it’s a bigger service, if it’s a more expensive service for them, then it’s going to be a bigger exchange every month. What I’m getting at here is that there’s a certain level of transparency that exists here, and a certain level of human interaction that exists here that doesn’t exist in our current economy. And that economy is simply based on meeting certain quotas, sales quotas, to pay to basically get the board of directors and the Board of investors paid. So it’s a profit over people model. But now once all products and properties are turned into services and relationships, relationships becomes the focus and people over profit, become a long term. And in in a lot of cases, a life long focus, and a lifelong strategy and a long term business model, right when you sign up for a subscription, or a membership, in theory, this is a long term lifelong subscription you’re buying you’re signing up for and that’s interesting. Isn’t that interesting? Because it’s almost like a lifetime guarantee, but in in the context of a relationship and ongoing monthly relationship. So one of the things that is a very little simple thing to do to empower, every time your users your fans send you their dollars per month, you take a poll, right you do a monthly poll, which is basically a survey where fans and users patrons can or maybe we’re not calling them patrons, maybe that’s to associated patrons of the art arts and maybe because we’re getting we’re getting we’re still getting this vibe side note that Patreon is still considered charity. And I think that has a lot to do with the the public proach the patent the first five years of the company and how they approached strategically how to communicate a subscription platform for YouTubers, and so I think it still has that vibration, where it’s still getting this, you know, it’s still thought of as a place where you can donate or get, you know, give for free. But I mean, really, once you sign up, let’s say you sign up for to a musician, you know, and they give you one song a month, 12 songs a year, and you sign up for $1 a month, they make one album per year. And at the end of the year, you know, it’s it’s exactly what I paid for $12 for an album, you know, once a year, so it’s the exact same amount instead of album sales. The future will be made up of album subscriptions. And as you can imagine, this is a much more stable business model. And we’re learning a lot more about the fans, because when they sign up, we have a private place where this polling happens, but it’s behind the paywall, the monthly paywall, and we’re constantly interacting. So every time something is shared, there’s a thread. And every time they comment, we learn a little bit more about them every time they share, you know, every time they like or don’t like we learn a lot of stuff about them. And sometimes we’re, we’re featuring our fans, remember customers or fans hear. So it’s bringing it’s about bringing into the fold closer than ever before. Using our technology, and specifically our internet to create this platform, this private platform for creators to Share the art and interact with the fans. There’s a lot more power again, in the hands of the fans in this business model, you’re forced to because if the creators or the company does not satisfy on an emotional level every month, then the fan won’t renew the fan won’t continue to they’ll just cancel their if it’s not satisfying. If they’re not getting enough, you know, mental if they’re not becoming a part of the story because they’re not being asked and if they don’t have there’s not you know, it has to be a two way conversation where the fans have to be contributing reference and you want that you want to, in a way you want to interact with fans. So that’s that’s the whole subscription economy. The closer you get, the longer term it gets, and the more power that people have. Okay, so this is some This is an economy that we believe in. Now, it’s a socio economic experiment, because $1 per month sort of transcends all of the socio economic classes, where anyone can play that game. And if you have more resource, and you like a project enough, you can give more, you can pledge whatever you want per month. Okay, so we’re transferring it right now to this idea of how to if this is possible, could it be done within a family context? And could the family We use this much like the example that stands out much like a fraternity, where in the fraternity you have a yearly dues that you pay. And there are officers inside the fraternity the fraternity operates much like a company, but there are dues. So if they’re let’s say, there was a family organization, family Incorporated, and everyone paid their dues, but they paid them once a month. And then there were officers in charge of, you know, taking a poll of the family and gauging, you know, what are we going to do you know what, let’s think about what we want to do as a family. Do we want to take a retreat? vacation at one point like, do we plan that do we want To give to a certain philanthropic occasion, do we want to schedule you know on the calendar, a bike ride in a certain city or a dinner or birthday dinner or holidays? Or do we want to greenlight a film production, a book production, an album, anything Do we want to fund any any creative, you know, not for charity, but to actually obviously, as a as a as a financial endeavor. And all ideas must have, obviously a business plan, in this case, a subscription business plan a long term business plan for how to create over the course of a whole lifetime. Now the family is your First fans, they were the first people to cheer you on as a as a young person, and then, you know, across the span and timeline of your life. So that’s why we bring this we stand as this is the only way to move forward. You can do these type like what is your story? Now the question is is what is the story of the family? What is the legacy of the family and what does the family want to say to the world as a group, and this has to do with tightening the Communications of the unit and again, that is the monthly monthly subscription membership family member ship does here. It helps so that every single month, there’s a newsletter, maybe that’s the best foundation to consider how this thing is, you know grown. Now, within the family context, there are certain troubles and issues that have to be worked through. And this is what is being currently called hard emotional labor. And in this case, you tell your story. And you tell it in a sensitive soft way. And in what we have done recently is written, basically written poetry that can be read down below. And you can read it and then we can get past it. We can get past it together. But the main thing that has to happen is there has to be an awakening to Where these issues exist inside the family? How and also how big the family actually is. Hirsch Mordecai society. Look into it, Vilna, Lithuania, how many relatives do we have? Set that was a side note. But we have to, we have to work through these issues as an extended family. Because the family, the immediate family is too small, a lot of the times and there’s too much intention, tension or intensity. There’s too much tension. So there it’s it’s a very vulnerable very easily depressed and easily aggressed unit, especially if there was a divorce. So that’s why I come to the family today and ask for opinions and moreso a poll, right where you guys get to vote on what you think could happen, so that we can all move forward. Now that we know certain things, and some of these things, again, there are very hard, it’s hard, emotional labor. So these are life, long struggles, and lifelong abuse and aggression, that still exist, that have created all sorts of trauma that exists inside the body. Everyone’s body and now we have to kind of To express it. And so we hope that you enjoy the poetry. There are also music clips attached to if you’re curious where it came from, because it was kind of like we listened, we found certain pieces of music. And then we just hit record and recorded, what whatever came out. So it’s an interesting to me process of tapping into these memories and these traumas and these intentions and desires and profound sadnesses and but doing it in a creative aware, emotionally aware way. So that’s it, I think for now is like, you know, if you want to if you’re interested in being a part of the project, there’s also another music project that will go below the poetry. But, Hmm, okay, so, how to wrap this? I guess the idea is like, what is the call to action. And I think the call to action again is to create a subscription for the family. And, but it’s a $1 per month subscription. And we’re going to hold we’re gonna hold there with one dollar per month, we’re not going to go over it, we’re going to cap it. That’s right. We’re going to cap it. And then we’re going to see how it and then we’re going to tell this story. And we’re going to basically just communicate opinions. You know, experience the art, the poetry, the music, the film’s the dance, all of a sudden, and then once a month, we’ll do a newsletter at the very least. And we’ll do some phone calls. And it will be a database. It’ll be an archive for the family. And that’ll, essentially each week each month will act like an autobiography, I think, in the end. So, yeah, that’s it. That’s all we got. So for $1 per month, we Become a member officially, of this family, we refound maybe this family. And we can start thinking about a retreat to Vilna, Lithuania, we could start thinking about, you know, holidays, and our story and the boxes in our basement that, that tell our story from our ancestors, maybe gathering that in one place privately. And we’ll do this again with the membership monthly membership as an experiment and just see where we get with it. Because that because that is the most equitable model there is. And it’s the model of the future so we might as well Test it out now see how we feel about it. We’ll pay our dues $1 per month, and then we’ll and then we’ll see what we think about it. It’s going to have to do it’s going to do with creating new things for the world coming from the coming from each of us, each individual over time, writing books, creating movies, poetry, dance, sculptures, etc. and beyond. paintings, drawings, virtual reality. So video audio artist activists. That’s what every one of us is. Shout out to the original natives of the United States because they didn’t have a word for Art. So basically no word for creativity, which basically mean, I meant everything was a constant creation and expression. And, yeah, we’re interested to see what the elders think. Because this, this, this whole story, we got to get through it. Everyone has to kind of like, you know, everyone’s got to just lay their eyes on it, process it, and then we got to get through it. And, and I think that for me, that’s the idea of D centering. Dad. That’s it. All right, bye. I’ll tell you more about that later, but decentering dead. You know, because there’s a lot of self centering that is going on, and has been going on for the entire course of my life. So it’s time to for me to Do this and express the story and in the process decentering that good night. Thank you. Bye


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