“Going Transparent”

15 min readJun 15, 2020


Shout out David Eggers

31 mins…

So I think this works. It’ll just transcribe later. But we’re in house right now in otter. shatta. otter. O TT, er. Morning. Good morning. Okay. So I think it’s an interesting side. Note that everyone has to decide sort of where they’re at in their story, right? Whether your story has three x, which is the very basic right beginning, middle and end, or your story has seven x. If you’ve made it to old age, bah, bah, bah. Shout out to Shakespeare shout out Shakespeare, right. seven x, seven stages of life. So but the three stages easy, right?

It’s easy. I’m 33 years old, so I just started my second stage or second act. You know, if the average human being in let’s say, the developed world, lives between 80 and 90 years old, so I just started my second act. Again, depending how you look at it so and so once you decide where you’re at in your story, then you can start consciously telling your story every single day. And it’s a daily creative progress that you can that you get to see, right because you’re, if you create something, then you put it down in your diary, or your journal, or your or you publish it an article a song, a show film a longer film, a piece of visual visual, our audio, you know, auditorially, etc. and beyond right? art, and artists, and creators of all kinds make all kinds of, you know, and then it’s in the form of video or audio or text word.

So but once you this is kind of narrative psychologies, I suppose. The framework we’re inside of right now. And again, the point being, that everyone can be telling their story in one way or another, depending on how much time they have available to them to themselves each day. And, but at the very least, you know, let’s say, at the very least at the end of the day, you know, this is like, taking five minutes and devoting it to Your auto biography, if you will, right every let’s say everyone’s, let’s say everyone’s literally writing an autobiography every single day. And the goal here is to kind of capture it and then tell it in a way that other people can enjoy it in like bite bite sizes, right? So and you have different layers of family and loved ones and community and, and country and Planetary context for the subjectivity of enjoy eating, that’s, I guess, in quotes, someone else’s story, but feeling closer by by tuning in, let’s say once a day for five minutes, right?

If I were to go to my phone and hit record, and then transcribe afterwards and put it on, you know, the internet, the private Let’s say the Private Internet for your family, friends and fans, right family, friends fans, and I just talked, I just I just spoke what happened that day what’s on my mind, you know the highlights of five. And then at the end of the week, you have a weekly recap, where you get to edit it a little bit. And you get to acknowledge you know, the highlights of your week, and your ideas and, and the people in your life and the inspirations. And then also, you know, at the at the end of the month or the end of the quarter, you’re doing the same thing. So you’re, you’re actively logging your experience, not only for yourself and your own reflective powers for, you know, for lack of a more universal, where I mean powers, right and maybe it’s the best word power, plural ..

These are your powers your Oh Mrs. Obama said it best Michelle shout out Michelle where she said Your story is your power so if your your stories are your powers right superpowers, okay let’s say like that let’s flip it let’s let’s remix it like that. So she’s saying it like that which is which is great, right so you so these are your powers your reflective powers, but you’re also documenting it for how my grandmother would have called it posterity which is all the generations to come. You know, the your kids, your grandkids, your great grandkids, my great, great, great grandkids one day, like even if they’re adopted, right? And that’s kind of what happens. I feel like when you’re tapping into your voice and you’re telling your story your family and friends are your first fans. But then after that people on the Because of the internet, find your story one by one, day by day, year by year. And you know, even if you’re collecting one fan a year, let’s say even because you’re meeting people, like you’re meeting people every day, and every time you meet somebody, it’s like, sort of, that’s the curiosity of meeting someone new.

It’s like, what is your story? What is your power, right? What are your powers, and that that relates to what you’ve been through. So that’s all that’s all for now. It’s the idea of like, handing this information down, handing this stream of the stream of consciousness, this stream of courage, right, it’s courage to use your voice and to tell your story and to reflect every day every week, month quarter. right we’ll have quarterly evaluations analysis Back reflect what’s happening in the culture and the times and, and the planet as a whole, but also the local community. So you have local and global and those kind of inter twine in there in a special way, which we’ll talk about in the future of course, but it really, you know, that part just boils down to internet right what the internet is capable of, and what it what it what it actually does, as a, as a problem solving machine, and a reflection machine, a mirror, you know, much like the brain much like each of us are to each other. If you’ve ever heard someone say, like, you know, I am your mirror your mind. So that’s where it gets a little tricky psychologically, because we’re talking about transference and projection. By the way, there’s positive projection and negative projection and that has to do with the emotion inside of certain concepts, whether they’re fear based or or love based or heart based or hate based, right? Maybe Maybe it’s better to say like that heart or hate, right? I don’t know, fear or love, whatever. So, so we have to so we become aware of these of these things over time. And, and, and that that informs our experiences all the thousands of experiences that we that we experiment with, you know, with ourselves like every day every, all these moments, right, even if they’re just you know, most of the moments are experienced within oneself and by oneself and with, just with oneself. But after that, you know, everyone you were kind of, we’re looking for the unconditional kindness and courage.

I think maybe we’re leaning very, very heavily towards courage these days. Because, you know, kindness just doesn’t cut it. You know, killing them with kindness. It just doesn’t work. But maybe you can kill them, metaphorically speaking, you know, like kind of not kill them but communicate with them through courage communicating through courage. So, I think that’s where we’ll end today. It’s like you’re handing this down to the next generation, you’re deciding where you’re at and your story and how you want to tell your story. And that’s a lightning thing, a lightning strike that provides all this extra awareness that again, removes the weight off the shoulders, and maybe it takes all of our cold shoulders and turns them into warm showers. Shoulders, you know, warm shoulders. Maybe that’s a thing right? So, yeah, psych, psych psychology, philosophy, creativity linguistical analysis, you know the words the language that we’re using all this language the the, the intellectual emotional understanding and, and rethinking of the fabric of the foundation. So that we can sort of reconstruct or rebuild after this metaphorical war the psychological emotional, physical, financial, environmental and even, you know, religious spiritual some, some will say But everyone is religious. Let’s just make that note you know, the the world’s most popular religion right now is capitalism that’s the most popular religion money that’s what we obsess over rightfully so because we’re surviving every day and we’re trying to provide for our families make ends meet. But I’m trying to make people meet and I think once all the people meet that’s that’s gonna be a very good thing. Okay, so that’s that’s for today. I guess we’ll one one other thing from the movie, the uncomfortable truth on Amazon. One of the gentlemen smoke it very well. He said if, if I had a little time I forget what he exactly what he said. But he said what I would like to do is I would like to go and talk to poor people who said poor white people. And he’s a, he’s a he’s a black gentleman. And he said, I would like to go talk to a poor white people and convince them that I am not the enemy. Right. And basically what I think is happening that he’s saying that poor whites and poor blacks and poor all colors, I don’t care what color you are, if the poor people of the world got together. It would be that’s where the, you know, the Renaissance Revolution, the unity of the world, I mean, because 90% of us are in poverty. And that’s a you know, and you could say it’s even higher like 95% of us are sort of experiencing either either physical poverty or emotional poverty, and maybe that’s 100%. But and he and he mentioned in the film that there are there are systemic and structural systems, you know, there are structural systems set up to make sure that doesn’t happen, you know, the poor people, the world getting together. And I believe that this is the invisible. This is an abstract, it’s becoming more tangible, and more conceptual. It’s not so abstract, this amorphous blob of the system that some someone called it recently it’s not a more amorphous, it’s called capitalism. There is economic inequality, as well as racial inequality. And they’re far more correlated than you You know, a lot of people really understand.

So that’s, that’s the that’s the idea. You know, at the end of the day, we’re going to just wrap with the goal the ambition of Not, not understanding of finally understanding nothing as a shout out to Gary Busey. Finally understanding nothing is in a way finally understanding everything or, you know, your path, your journey in life, to understanding everything, by understanding nothing. First understanding nothing, you know, like you come from really this, this condition, this, this, this. It’s a capitalistic put, condition position, which informs everything we’re a part of, and we’re all interconnected, and we’re all individually unique individuals. Better You know, directly and invisibly, but also now sort of sort of physically as the disparity. Scene continues to rage into the future that we can understand. We can understand nothing and then slowly understand a few things in a new way. You know, maybe that’s the thing, maybe we don’t want maybe we’re never going to understand everything. But by understanding nothing, finally, we can understand a few things. And shout out to all these films shout out to these streaming services. I do feel like you know, everyone is you know, art is manipulation. Art is manipulation. And therefore, films are manipulation. But there’s a genuine, there’s a realness factor. You know, where it’s coming from what the mode what the motive intention or inspiration is, if it’s money, it dilutes it a lot of the times. But if art is manipulation, and a conversation, a communication between two people as an abstract piece of art, you could just say very playfully, that everyone is manipulating, you know, because we’re all exposed to manipulation, from all of the input that comes from the media. And it comes from our own social media and this whole emotionally starved landscape where it’s a lot of products, and a lot of ideas being forced upon us and pushed into our brains. And then, you know, our inability to take time and think deeply about what we want in life and where we’re going to go. How to get there because we’re too tired, or just too tired from working multiple jobs that we don’t like and it’s killing us. It’s killing us over time and, and you know the, the societal, the brutality of society is also killing us. Not only, you know, rapidly emotionally across the world psychologically across the world dismissing and dehumanizing the experience in all sorts of ways.

Obviously, racism is like the old and dying way. But this is the system has certain rules and those rules get into the household of how to keep your house in order and how to, you know, control the illusion of control, control your kids and control your family and keep it all in order. But obviously, the physical brutality and in this case, becoming aware and awaken to the physical brutality of the police force. across the world, and obviously how it’s like, just much different for all different, all different colors, but obviously, obviously, obviously to the people of this world that are of African American African descent of African American descent, and their grandparents who were of African descent, and then all the way you know, wrapping this all together, I guess, this exercise this experiment, this thought experiment, that slavery was a war. And it’s a it’s America’s longest war, potentially America’s first war. We have to research that. And it was a war on Africa. And that’s going to help us get that’s going to help us acknowledge that we’re going to need physically, psychologically, emotionally a reconstruction period. And that’s going to require reparations. And in this case, specifically, war, reparations, and war, reparations are still being paid out by Germany to certain countries today. So, the UN united nations are involved here to make sure certain payments, you know, and also the origins, we’re all sort of perpetuating this racist system. But we don’t really have a choice. But acknowledging the origins of this of racism and sort of trying to empathize complete Lately with both sides but a for for the origins in whatever way they exist now, you could say certain families are closer to the origins of slavery, the war on Africa than other families, you know, that depends when your your family came to America and what were what your, of what descent you you come from, but certain families are closer and those families like the gentleman who who made the film The uncomfortable truth, his family is pretty close, I believe so maybe reaching out to him and pitching him on this idea to you know, there has to be a formal acknowledgement but even more so a formal asking of forgiveness. I’d like to formally ask for your forgiveness.

Have your your, your your community, your people, your your country of Africa, right your country of Africa because that’s it was a war in Africa and it’s and it’s going on even to this day 400 years later. So acknowledging that and then after that you get a reconstruction period and maybe we have a memorial contest like they did for the Vietnam War after that ended. And that young, that young lady won the contest now in DC. There’s that black, that beautiful black Memorial that’s sort of worked into the hills, outside on the on the the, the lawn near the tower, I forget all the names of the But what if there was a memorial con contest? Again, we’ll do it in DC or New York or wherever we want to do it, probably DC because there’s a little more space. And that’ll be a great contest. You know, shout out, shout out to New York, Niko. We want to reach there, because he’s been doing these great contests, accents and shirts, and photos. So maybe he would, he would be a good person to get some feedback at the very least. So you have a memorial. You know, that Memorial includes all the family names, we gather all the family names of, you know, people who died in the, in the war on Africa, the American war on Africa. And man, the lynchings are very specific between 1880 and 1968. There were at least 4700 lynchings in America. And we have, you know, those are the ones we know of. So we do have those names. So that’s a really crazy, like we have to, you know, that has to be like that is a certain segment of the war right there that lasted all the way up to 1968. That’s, that’s from that comes from slavery and dispute, doubly. Right. All the way up to 1968. So there’s that there’s all the people who died. There’s the survivors, like the Holocaust survivors, there are slavery survivors. I’ve never heard that term before. So, you know, a war on American war on Africa called slavery. I’ve never heard these terms. I’ve never heard this framed in this way. And that’ll and then at the end of the day, maybe, you know, this could take 10 years or or obviously very, obviously, more Maybe there’s a new flag because it’s a new America, this could be a new America, where you know, what come what unites us. There are certain things that unite all Americans, a love for this country. Right? This is a beautiful big country. But more so than that, it’s like we do we believe that government has like, it has too much reach. It’s too. There’s too much going on. We believe in small government, not big government. I don’t believe anyone in America anymore believes in big government. And then, you know, our our anger. I do believe that this is the United States of anger. And our anger sort of unites us. And underneath the anger is always 100% sadness.

There’s 100% of the time, there’s sadness underneath anger. Okay, so that’s the little podcast for today. There’s much more to talk about there and you know, thinking about America as a family, a very dysfunctional family. But this context you know, the idea of like thinking about, you know, rethinking the police system rethinking defunding refunding all this like like from the ground up, you know, this may be an opportunity for what could be called a revolution social revolution. And this these ideas over here personally come from the thinking about a family dysfunctional family and how to you know, rethink what’s called a family it’s a it’s it’s in the context of a business right? So shout out to the the family business podcast which is teaching me this. Thinking about each each family as a business and then Having family meetings, family assembly, writing, even writing a family constitution of family creed. Thinking about this family legacy, how it works. So you can have a new flag for a new America and you can have like, maybe that’s something that kids you know, the kid the younger people of the world would be into. I know that I know all the millennials are down for it. After the millennials, you get a little political. It’s a little it’s very political, the millennials and underneath, we’re just trying to like, enough is enough. This money thing is out of control. We are ready for, you know, capitalism 2.0. We’re ready for it to grow up. We’re ready to not that there’s these buckets like capitalism and socialism, but maybe there’s something maybe there is something in between and It’s probably probably has to do with the, the the newly re the renewing of the subscription business model within the context of the internet.

And that, that being that placing this, this emphasis on the closeness of the relationship. I just heard that Netflix made made news recently that if you’re, if your account is inactive for a year, they will cancel your account. And that’s, that’s what I’m getting towards here. When I say relationships, you know, doubling down on these relationships. The customer is always right, the user is always right, like really taking care of the company taking care of their users, their fans, I’m a fan of Netflix. And if my account is inactive, like I’d rather them just know it and close it right now. That’s like very considerate. That’s a very considerate thing of a company to do, because that’s free money for the company, right? If they just Oh, they have an inactive account or not using it, just let it keep it open collect that. collect that money. That’s, that’s the customers problem, right? That’s the users problem. But no, these are fans and within that fan, within that community of fans, you have a family. Okay, so that’s, that’s that this was a longer one, I guess. But 30 minutes or so. Yeah. These are kind of all the ideas that have been going through my mind, you know, the last one we were riding over to our spa over here in nature it was was this idea of like everyone is manipulated, like language is manipulation. It’s more inspiration. Like you either are you’re either soft and you’re inspiring others by kind of like leading by example, some say, or you’re just like push, push, push, this is how it’s got to be done. You got to do this, you got to do this, you know, and now everyone’s now No one’s no one’s enjoying their time. And everyone’s like, slowly in their own way, like secretly backing out. Because no one likes this. No one likes to be pushed around. It’s the aggression is on its way out. And that’s the old way. That’s the tradition.

In America, specifically, this, this aggressive selling of products, and things and ideas and people literally, literally, America being founded on the selling of people, the commercialization of people. And now it’s just more metaphorical and abstract this idea that, you know, we are all products that are being sold. That’s our data. And that’s Facebook. And that’s, you know, Google, right. So the selling of people and shout out to Andrew Yang. That’s a good place to leave on this. Shout out universal basic income, but owning our data and thinking about that, thinking about our data as our stories, okay, thinking about our data as our stories. All right, that’s all we got. catch you on the flip. Love you to bits. Ciao for now. Yes, beautiful out here. Maybe we’ll begin and maybe do a middle with breathing All right bye


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