I wish I had a bee in the background for you. But I don’t today, maybe I will. 24444 Hello, how you doing? I don’t even know what we’re talking about today but this is a morning meditation, parentheses afternoon meditation, talk meditation, the meditational speaker coming at you live and direct. Yeah this is a this is for us. You know this is for us which is myself and you yourself. First and foremost myself because, you know if I’m not if I’m not self, self actualizing if that’s a that’s a term or self realizing or self awakening or awareness, awareness in Sing then what are we doing? Okay, so we’re enjoying, right? We’re enjoying a lot of stuff, a lot of stuff a lot, a lot, a lot of stuff a lot of stuff.
So, yeah, I'm not even try and go around it. There's a family estrangement thing. That's that's the thing. That's the thing. So strained relationships within the family where you're still kind of, you're still trying to maybe say your, your goodbyes. I mean, a lot of the way I hear people do it is they just kind of like, don't respond and they leave town if they're in town. And you know, they'll show up at holidays. And that's that and maybe you got a couple of confused parents. A lot of times they're there they are divorced. And they're just confused and they're like, why are they Finding to me Oh my gosh. But it's this family estrangement stuff, it's the thoughts that go through your mind. I don't know. We've fully kind of appreciate it. The type of you know thoughts and and that turned into feelings This is a very dark thing to be a strange from one of your parents and it always starts with one of the parents without a doubt so and I think it's like an empowering thing. A courageous thing to kind of stand up and say that you don't meant you don't mess with them someone anymore. You know, you you cut them out of your life cut with care, you know, you explain the situation. But it's a mind game now. So so it's everything's a move on the chessboard to you know, people who are raised in a winning and losing environment, zero sum environment where you know every winner needs a loser and vice versa versa. Verse others got my verse. So family family estrangement, this is a guest to my family, right? So this is just speaking, you know, meditating idea aiding mindi ating brainstorming about family estrangement and probably in the future what the potential solutions are because you'll see and we've been working on a not really work out we just like the track we found an instrumental that we liked, and the hope that goes on is a pretty, you know, it's it's not something we would have ever done in our past. life but we're always sort of doing arts you know, art alone. Shout out to Carrie Fisher, Princess Leia, who said take your broken hearts and turn it into arts and take your family, take your family, take your broken family or take your family hearts and turn it into art, you know, and and i think that says a lot and I really liked that one. So we're doing music these days. But these are sketches. These are, these are these are sketches. But it's an interesting process and we're making voice memo music with two phones. You know, play with a shitty speaker in one phone, hit record, on The Voice Memos and the other and then just like Upload. And pretty much we're just taking one shot at this stuff. And we're you got to be completely alone. I'm not talking about a room, in a house where someone else is in the house, I'm talking about going in the woods, and hanging out with the birds shout out to, you know, my very talented background singers. So this is fun, Volume One, I suppose. And it's fam, it's not slam poetry, it's fan poetry. Because at the end of the day, we're not writing the poetry, we're freestyling it all, you know, in our, in the nature with the beat, and and then we're transcribing it afterwards. So the final, you know, the experience of jack Kerouac said it best, don't use the phone, use poetry. So here this is where we find ourselves and after That you know, which is just with the Fab Five, you know the Fab Five family shout out to Fab Five Freddy, but the Fab Five family and that's my two younger brothers and both my parents and that's that that's the email we're reading the email but then there's like 50 to 100 we got to get the final number. How many email addresses we have a family members and then there's there's there's maybe another couple hundred family members that I've never met before out there as well shout out to the Hirsch Mordecai society from Lithuania. Yeah, we're gonna take a Family Retreat one day. Shout out to Joe shout out to bu Happy belated Big nine zero and then obviously shout out to my grandmother who passed last late last year late last year. Last year she passed forget when she gave me piano lessons when I was younger I think that that the piano really set set the stage for my mind to like you know really get into music and enjoy it and so we want to play some piano now again go to piano school they have good piano schools in this country so anyways yeah, I guess it's this is a dear fam. And this is about family estrangement and family engagement. All the other tags we have a bunch of tags you know family stories. Childhood traumatic stress disorder. parents say the darndest things. This is but this at the end of the day this is this is my secret. And I don't and by sharing is no longer my secret. I'm kind of destroying my secret which was it's just one scene. But it's a big family estrangement is something that is certainly not socially acceptable. So it's socially. It's not socially acceptable. Yeah. So, so that's where we're at. That's where we're at trying to make sense of it. And sort of getting it off off our chest and then that is probably back to one POV. Because we have an election coming up a big, big election. came out were very ideally, there's a change in transition of power. If you want a big picture or bigger picture the United States of America could really benefits from switching things up a bit. And this planet I mean, that's the biggest picture is the planet right? So the planet is like, really being, I don't know just disregarded and disrespected. Me of anyone anyone's doing disrespect, it's the it's the pursuit of profit is based on this in an unequal system right and unequal structure. So the pursuit of structural equality the lifelong commitment to the pursuit of equality. Yeah, it's gonna be a lifelong thing. All right, so talk to you later. That was a quick one. I hope Yeah, we just hit 10 minutes All right. So that's that this is I guess out see family estrangement dear dearest family the rules of estrangement would check out the track down below too because that's like the it's probably the most controversial I mean, we're talking about a strange man even like, the sad the dark, the super dark side of things. So Alright, catch you on the flip. Let's see how this transcription service does with the wind. You know, shout out to wind control. All right. Peace, peace, peace in the Middle East east of your mind in time. There is no me only we and we are the world however. If there's an eye then there's a you and I love you forever. Ciao.
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