shower shower, shower time. It’s my mind meeting my other mind. Hello other mind. How’re you doing today? Okay, so, again we’re doing this is like a talk meditation. Sometimes we jog in log, but right now we’re just gonna let our mind do the jogging cuz it’s always jogging your mind your brain is either fogging or jogging, I find those are the two modes of brain activity. And I thought, I feel a little meat about doing in accent but I don’t know why. I don’t know maybe next time anyways, how are you doing today? So today we’re just tired man. We’re tired. Fatigue fatigue fatigue, Fatima Fatima Fatima Tikka. Tikka Tikka words Association. rhymes of the times of the alliterations of the the associations, etc and beyonds.
So that could be that’s like, probably a quick minute or two or, you know, minute and a half something like that. They’re gonna be short, they transcribe, we’re alive. Maybe, you know, we date these in the beginning, like today is the 24th of February 2021, an arbitrary number that gets the job done. But it when you timestamp, it kind of turns it into a time portal. So I like I like that a lot. And I don’t know, you know, I don’t know. But I do believe that, you know, it would be great to have some music, you know, to translate your thoughts, and to track your thoughts. And to transfer your thoughts to the internet, send it to the internet. You know, and a lot of our thoughts are written down, taken in a computer or a phone. And, you know, if we’re gonna if we’re gonna really talk about I mean, first you have video for how the power of this stickiness and the fact that video requires your eyes, your ears, and but your eyes and your ears being you know, a big part of the human experience. Audio simply requiring your eyes and or excuse me, your ears and the written word, the transcription, in this case of the audio recorder requiring your eyes only. So you know, you could also package audio excuse me, you could package written word with photography. So that’s like the visual.
The image image with words, you know, because we’re again, using your eyes, that’s what the blogs, most of the blogs do. You break up the words with images, you can add videos, but you but they cannot be too long. And it may it does make the experience more janky if you will. Furthermore, on this Wednesday, for I think I forgot to mention it is Wednesday. Wake up Wednesday, and we’re about noon. We’re at about noon. And we’re going to actually go for a jog sometime soon but not at the current you know we’re we’re in the shower. So I’m in the shower is basically because here I am explaining why I’m taking a shower. It’s probably not necessary. So we’ll keep this to a short length. And we’ll just get into the you know this idea of like what is the string the content context strategy And how do we bring it to New York City to megaphone microphone, maximize, optimize, translate transcribe the thoughts and specifically stories of the city. And specifically the personal stories. And I think it’s a, it’s a safer, it’s a, it’s a, it’s an easier first step to tell the story of the city you live in, and the city you love.
You know, many people hate their jobs. But I would argue, I think that a smaller percentage of those people, or of people in general, hate the city they live in. Because no matter where you live in, there’s usually a place to escape to, whether it’s in nature or in your home, your own space. And there are different things to love to like and dislike about a place. But my New York story it’s a personal yet, again, an easier way, because it starts at a specific time. And there’s clearly good times and, and, and bad times for most stories. So it is focuses on on a depth definitive timeline with a beginning, middle, and for some people an end. But for most of us telling our New York story, there is no end because we still live here and love here. So, so yeah, we’re talking audio, podcast, even audio book, audio, drama, audio, audio, art, and we when we think about these, these DJ sets, so we can certainly mix our ideas in our notebook in as commentary moving forward into the future of the cultural revival of New York City. And it’s not just a transcription of our notebook, even though our notebook is a is a New York ideas notebook. If we can turn it into speaking in the margins, around other voices, and kind of dissecting and analyzing if you will, is there a better is there is there a cooler synonym for analyzing, unpacking, but even then you’re dealing with an and I like analyzing.
I like dissecting. I like opening, you know, opening up to dissect. Anyways, we’re getting a little bit wrinkly in the shower. So we’ll wrap it here. I’m guessing we’re at seven minutes, possibly give or take a minute or two. Let’s see. Eight minutes. So So yeah, this is a 10 minute freestyle, and it’s for ourselves to organize our thoughts and eventually just start going onto the streets of New York every single day, every single day and canvassing sponsored by Andrew Yang for mayor of New York City come July 22. I believe it is 2021, which is four months away, that will be the primary election. And then after that, four months later, on November 2, we’ll have the big election vote, I believe Andrew Yang of New York City, I mean, he’s, he’s born and raised in New York City. I’m blanking on the Burro, but son of a type of Taiwanese immigrants and and i believe he’s the front runner. So and he’s champion, she’s championing universal basic income, which is a monthly stimulus package. And we believe that there will be an excellent city, the capital city of The capital of the world of planet Earth, New York City.
The creative capital, the financial capital, the government capital, the religious capital per square mile, per capita. There, there is a strong argument here in New York City is the capital of the world. So we can test out universal basic income, also known as guaranteed minimum income. That was Martin Luther King, Jr, also known as the freedom dividend. But I believe we’re back to universal basic income and community basics, food, shelter, health care, for everybody in New York City, as an experiment to number one, really attempt to achieve a solution, even if it’s a long term strategy achieve a solution to poverty, and economic inequality, and all the structural violence that comes with that, you know, that being sort of the root of this, of this issue, it’s an economic issue, and then everything comes out of it. The causes economic The effects are racism, and bigotry and hatred. And there’s a, there’s a very strong argument for that, and with a historical context, so we’ll go into that later on. And also the supporters of universal basic income. Elon Musk, jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter. And there’s, there is a list of people that we’ll get into into the history of the world as well. Bertrand Russell, I think Albert Albert Einstein, is it Adam Smith, you know, there’s, I’m not sure it was Adam Smith, but we’ll come back to that. So we got 12 minutes, it was a good rap. That’s why we’re here we’re really backing and supporting universal basic income, and figuring out how to use audio, video, obviously, point of view video, which is something we’ve been working on for now. almost eight years. And, and written word which is the transcription of video, but specifically audio, and and how to mix that with multimedia, again, images, to present something, some sort of meditative practice every day that we’re doing in the morning that other people can participate in.
And the bottom of that, the root of that the fundamental the foundation of that is storytelling, as a synonym for art, and creativity and communication. Every time you speak to yourself in your mind or to someone else, you are doing it in a narrative form, there is a beginning, beginning, middle and end to every conversation. And that’s what stories are, they have a beginning, a middle and end, a head, a body, and a tail, you could say. So that’s an act one, act two, Act Three, you know, this is the more we get into film, filmmaking, characters, plotlines to as a metaphor for life, and the communication of history and memory, but as flashbacks, but also flash forwards with our dreams and our ideas, and our goals, and our possible solutions. For the future, we focus on one city at a time, and you can only focus on the city you currently live in. And that’s New York City. So in the future, we’ll be telling New York personal New York stories and doing help, you know, helping others to tell their story and then sort of doing little commentary, write, writing, speaking in the margins of those stories, and then possibly putting it with some music in the background. Releasing that as a podcast that has a magazine, underground paper newspaper newsletter attached to it, that we’re asking that we’re letting people contribute at, you know, it’s a project so all of this, all of this goes towards the campaign.
That may be the best way to independently support the campaign is to Start a magazine podcast channel about new My New York story, the my en hashtag my ny project, possibly and then collect a monthly subscription membership from New Yorkers and beyond. That goes 90% goes to the campaign goes towards supporting UBI in this form. So that’s what we got. So we have a solid base of people we know, family and friends and collaborators in New York City. And that will be where the first pitch goes. And the feedback comes from. And then after you get your, your community network, you go for the bigger network, the bigger community network, and you collect that feedback, and you go from there. So that’s the idea, we are going to experiment with this strategy for us in New York City, and then hope it becomes a lead by listening example, for the rest of the world. And but universal basic income as a 10 is a real testing ground for five years, you know, like a five year test. That’s, that’s interesting to have them have an end to it, have a beginning, middle and end. And it does, it does remind me of this idea of tax, you know, in a UBI coin, a UBI tax, but we’re doing it in a cooler way, which is like this is a nonprofit 10% of the proceeds of the monthly revenue will go towards the nonprofit organization and the other 90% at this current moment will go towards supporting Andrew Yang’s mayoral campaign on the streets of New York and we want to be on the streets every single day with point of view video with audio to capture at least you know, minutes but but five minutes 10 minute like people’s New York stories and then creating a hotline as well where and flyers with poll tags, where people can call in and leave voicemails, five minutes, three to five minute voicemails, which we transcribe and we use. And we project into the into into the New York ecosystem, online and in real life.
So that’s where we’re at right now. It’s pretty exciting. I’m pretty excited. I’ve run the water for way too long at this point. So we’ll Ciao for now. Um, you know, that’s that’s basically it. Maybe we’re hoping we’re gonna reach out and possibly to Jeff. Because, again, there’s a may oral connection there to see if it’ll help us run this campaign from remotely, day to day? If and if that’s if we’re the campaign manager of this project. But we’re also going to need some some assistance. So yeah, it’s an interesting project, because it really talks about money, we’re going to go into that further the concept of money, the theory of money, the practicality of money in relation to the cryptocurrency ecosystem, and experiment. That’s, you know, it’s all an experiment. Money is an experiment. America is an experiment in New York is an experiment. And it’s also an incredible immigrant story. So shout out to our second uncle or second grandfather. Second, third cousin, I think second cousin, Harvard man, Herbert, Harvard, Professor of business management and communications, Joseph Bauer, we were hoping to schedule in a, an interview where we talk about some of the stuff universal basic income, specifically and politics in New York City and his personal New York story to get that on the record, because he was I forget why we’re shouting him out now. But it’s in there, there. The connection is real. If we just go back when we scrub back. So anyways, we’re calling this at 20 minutes. It’s probably for ourselves, transcribe it, put it in a document and send it to our campaign manager. All right. Thanks, Jeff.
Thank you joe for the family history:
Mr. Funpov 🚪
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