(1000 Words a Day Challenge Blog#08, 1326word)
And we’re back with some music. Additional. Third is in the Ukraine, which, my family, my family lived in Ukraine for a while. Back in the day, talk MK transcriptions not going to know what that what that is. See a K, ma maybe. All right, the shower is nice and nice. That’s nice and nice. Yeah, we’re doing the quick 10, the quick 10 shower I mean, if you speak for the shower, but I also gotta, gotta wash you know. So, I can’t like multitask too well but anyways pretty soon we’re back on the road again. So, if you have like an affordable room. That’s not in use, maybe a closet. That could be converted, or an attic that no one’s hiding in. I wouldn’t be opposed.
I’m trying to get make my way back to New York City eventually And I want to eventually volunteer for the organization. Black Lives Matter, and specifically I want to volunteer for the cofounders of the movement. Shout out to the co founders. Patrice Opal and Alicia. They are the top three artists in the world right now. And if I if I can help in any way possible to make that more obvious to the world that they are the top three rock star, artists, activists in the world. I want to do that. And I think that’s what this social media experimentation is all about helping to magnify specific stories. And so there are three stories that that come together as one story there which is. It’s like a trifecta of story starts in 2013 if you want to know the backstory. There’s a documentary for free on YouTube, called. Stay well. Sony was only about 40 minutes I think under an hour I believe recall correctly, which I don’t sometimes. But hey, sometimes I get it, I get it right. Sometimes I get it wrong, and I stand up and say, that’s the case. Okay so, other than getting back on the road again soon. We really want to pitch black lives matter, a Patreon page for an outline to the membership monthly membership business model. So that I personally can sign up and pledge my dollars per month. And in my case, I am skins. I’m a skink boy SK I am t. So I will be pledging, but for the rest of my life. This is a lifelong commitment to the pursuit of structural equality with black lives matter. I’m going to throw I’m throwing down $1 per month. And then, as I can afford to do so I’ll raise that over time as the relationship grows as a fan. As a user of equality. I want to be a user of equality, and in an inequality anywhere is an inequality everywhere. So that’s the biggest issue is there’s inequality, everywhere. And if you don’t believe that you are unequal to others, or if you don’t believe that inequality is everywhere. It is because of your reality distortion field, your emotional fortress, your bubble, which you built around yourself. And for a lot of people that is a financial bubble. And then they raised their kids in these bubbles, called the suburbs, for many of them. But it doesn’t have to be in the suburbs. It can be anywhere inside the home. The home is a bubble. It is a shelter. And a lot of parents don’t know how to break it to their kids that the world is a terrifying place and, but it’s also this incredible place where a lot of movement for positive impact. And, and equality justice, freedom liberty is happening. So, so at the end of the day you know everyone even the rich are busy trying to make that money hand over fist. And so they don’t, they work, they work a lot. We’re workaholics because the alternative is like communicating the devastation of our family histories and our country’s history and our planet’s history, and the devastation of really our present moment as well. And how the system is not just racist but destroying itself in the form of VR what our home. Our planet, being destroyed by itself. But now we have the internet so anyways long story short, Patreon, and black lives matter that collaboration, communicating this proposal to Black Lives Matter, and maybe to Patreon and seeing if there can have can be something there because Patreon is really like a. It’s like a private it’s like a social platform. It’s like Facebook, but private. And then there’s this member monthly membership option, so that you can become an economic ally of a movement of a cause of an organization of an entrepreneur of an artist of any kind. So there’s that. And then the final thing is, is the music project which we have in the works right now. And it’s pretty much finished. We just, I guess, day by day if we continues sticking to this public journal. And the challenge of 1000 words per day. Then I think it will slowly come out, and we’re gonna do it across all the platforms, Instagram, Facebook, medium, LinkedIn, Twitter, But those are the main ones for vlogging. And then, very lastly and not leastly. We’re going to hook up the spectacles to the phone and start shooting POV video again. And also, I guess the very last thing. And we are working to reach out we’re going to write a letter. We are going to speak a letter to Evan Spiegel, the co founder and CEO of Snapchat, which has invented, or they didn’t invent it. But they sell the spectacles and the POV video, the POV camera glasses. As a side note, and then lastly, I go fund we campaign, which is the same application, which we sent a month ago to I beam, the grants. Art fund in Brooklyn, New York, which is called the project is called 100 eyes across America. So that’s 50 people wearing the glasses, one in each state that we nominate and vote on to select which activists, artists, activists. My brother and I, I think he’s interested in doing a little volunteer editing work for this cause this nonprofit movement, which at the end of the day is black lives matter I think that’s the most efficient way to get to structural equality and to get to emotional transparency and radical openness. And that’s what the camera is for it’s like the last camera angle. But that filmmakers and journalists of all kinds. Anyone with a phone taking photos photographers. It’s kind of like the last camera angle that they can’t get like you can’t put a camera quietly in between the eyes It’s too big. Until now, I guess, photography is, is the closest thing to that, where the photographer puts the camera up to their face in, basically, in their eye. But so we’re talking more about filmmaking because this is not point of view is not. Yeah, it’s not photography really, if it’s photography it’s hands free photography, but it’s more videography. It’s video arts. It’s filmmaking. It’s video journalism on it’s empathy, it’s really the empathy camera. So that’s the last pitch. And I think, very soon maybe tomorrow. We’ll do more. We’ll talk more about the music project, and possibly release it, and it comes in. Tangent with a theory of creativity and remix are simply MCs so well. We got to finish our shower. Fun POV finally understand nothing point of view for you and me always see and swing away, swing away male swing away. Ciao for now. Hey. Hey. We out until tomorrow. Hey. Oh. Outro outro outro.
The Dread pirate roberts
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