Artist Basic Income (pt.01)🗽

6 min readJun 25, 2020


Hello, hello. Patrick, are you there. Patrick is gonna he’s, he’s gonna edit this so that it doesn’t. So it’s not crazy. Some of these typos can be crazy. Because transcriptions and whatnot, you know. Oh TT er, everyone’s gonna get it, download that up. Alright so today we’re doing the artists basic income. We’re just gonna do a 10 minute or 1000 words, whichever comes first. Unfortunately the app won’t tell us the word count, yet. So. Furthermore, entonces part is basic income is a concept that comes directly. And obviously, from universal basic income and universal basic income is a concept that was proposed initially. In the early hundreds of years ago at the founding of the United States of America. 1776 maybe Thomas Paine. This is something we have to look up. Anyways, we’re getting caught up. Thomas Paine Bertrand Russell. Martin Luther King Jr. who called it a guaranteed annual income. And then on to the most recent supporters who are Andrew Yang. Branson, Musk Zucker bugs. Okay, so we’re looking at artists basic income as sort of a pilot program for universal basic income, in the sense that artists are the people who are creating for the future. And a better world, more effective, efficient worlds for everybody to coexist in. So these artists are directly and complimentary really creating for their community, their city, their country, their planet. The artist is in turn, an activist who is always making new ideas come true inventing new areas of thought and pattern and imagination, with the intent. Always. And again, to open up the mind and create spark of inspiration for anyone and everyone to enjoy to provoke and evoke thoughts which turn into emotions which can make us a more honest people. So, to bring this all together. We think about the idea of a pilot program that allows artists to submit their portfolios to submit their proposed calendar schedules for what they’ll be creating. And how often. And that can be multiple different mediums across many different kinds of crafts for artists of all kinds. And this is the conditional nature of the program, where you get guaranteed. Basic Income, which will be between for for a single adults will be anywhere between 1000 and $2,000 a month. And every day, every week, every two weeks every month, every quarter, every half year every year, there will be quotas of creativity to to hit along the way. And that’s kind of the give and take. And in this case, these artists, they also look a lot, economically, they look a lot like entrepreneurs, because any idea for any company starts out somewhere, and it grows over time, based on the demand. And then the supply of this new idea. And until eventually it gets bigger and bigger. Or, It does not have use, and it just fades away. So that So in a way, the artist is also the entrepreneur, the small business. The creator of all kinds. It doesn’t matter, it can be. It’s an experience. It’s a service of all kinds, even if it’s some kind of invention it’s a service, and then a relationship with fans of that experience of that style of that service, and again of that relationship. And all of this creation is to inspire other creation, and to give purpose and meaning to living a life where you’re not constantly stressed about how you’re going to pay your bills, your rent feed your family. So, The artist is the community oriented brain that is creating for the self deeply authentic to one’s experience, and that expression will again, inspire and optimize the the friends and family, and neighbor. And, and the civilians and citizens of of near and far. So this is the artist basic income, how much time have we done so far. Eight minutes 47 seconds. So I guess we’ll just wrap this up with saying that universal basic income has to start somewhere. And the independent thinkers of the world who are outside of the box of the system. And the structure of the, the government’s and the status quo, that simply perpetuate their own abusive racist interests and and a capitalism that that is not allowing for equality justice, freedom liberty, it won’t allow it. Because you have it just produces more and more of this, this economic disparity, and more and more poverty. And so I guess we’ll finish this with two things towards the end of Martin Luther King Junior’s life, he was working on this campaign called the poor people’s campaign, and he wanted. He was advocating for a guaranteed annual income. That was not a low income but a medium income. And so, he was shifting his focus more towards the economic towards the end of his life. And I think that says a lot coming from Martin Luther King Jr. The poor people’s campaign that actually never got to happen. It was a march. Another march on Washington. Because he was killed. Right before that. So, so there’s that. And then there’s the JFK quote which we’d like to finish on it goes a little something like this. I see little of more importance to the future of this country and our civilization than the full recognition of the place of the artist. If I is to nourish the roots of our culture, then we must set the artists free to follow their vision, wherever it takes them. Sometimes I get it mixed up, but instead of we there. He says, society must set the artists free to follow their vision, wherever it takes them. And I think that’s this this idea of setting the artist free to set the artists free to set art free, free from money, basically, so that they can work on making this world a more again optimal and efficient place. That is taking a real look at the problems that we have, and trying to solve them with creativity with outside the box thinking, and that’s what the artists does. And these are artists of all kinds, that’s you know that’s that’s obviously painters, but that’s filmmakers, that’s sculptors that’s authors, that’s musicians, scientists, philosophers, professors, historians conversationalists neuroscientists etc and beyond every single person out there is an artist in a way that just taught that’s just is the question of what type of creative angle is being taken, how much input and how much output is original, the originality rating is an analysis of each piece of work. Each artwork. Shout out to all the art Workers of America, and beyond. There’s no word for art. In the original native language of this country in the United States. The original natives did not have a word for art. And that meant that all human beings were artists in their language, and in their everyday life. And there’s something to be said here. You know when every single thing you do every second, every moment you experience is a thread of creative decisions, or you’re making, not so creative decisions. And that can all be analyzed based on what your brain has been exposed to. Over the course of your life. And as you get older, you see a lot more. And so your decisions can get more and more different over time. But, yeah, yeah so that’s a that’s a small history lesson to end this meditation on art, creativity, and in this case artist basic income. Thanks very much. See when I see. Ciao for now. Talk to me later. Peace.


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